Welcome to Mill Pond Kennels' journey to Marshall, TX, for a prestigious NADD Dock Diving Event! As we geared up to qualify and judge this exhilarating event, we are thrilled of opening our very own facility under the esteemed North American Diving Dogs (NADD).
Embracing the Thrill of Dock Diving
Imagine a world where dogs soar through the air with boundless enthusiasm, diving into a pool of water in pursuit of a cherished toy - this world is dock diving! This thrilling canine sport captures the hearts of both pets and their owners, fostering a deep bond built on trust, courage, and shared experiences.
NADD Organization: A Beacon for Dock Diving Enthusiasts
The North American Diving Dogs (NADD) stands as the premier authority in the realm of dock diving, providing a platform for dogs of all breeds and sizes to showcase their aquatic prowess. With a mission to promote the sport of dock diving, NADD offers a competitive yet welcoming environment where canine athletes can shine. You can read more about NADD on their website here.
A Glimpse into South Central Mobile Dock
Our passion for dogs propels us to new heights as we venture into the world of Dock Diving. Since we have decided to move forward with this new adventure, we met some great people along the way! Angela with South Central Mobile Dock and have been blown away with the support and hard work they do for the dog community. With a commitment to nurturing the talents of our furry companions, they strive to cultivate a thriving community that celebrates the joy and camaraderie that dogs bring into our lives. If you are looking to include a dock diving event at your dog's function, please reach out to them! Angela and her team work very hard to bring the mobile pool and dock where it's needed the most.
Unveiling Mill Pond Kennel's Vision
Mill Pond Kennels' journey to the NADD Dock Diving Event signifies our dedication to excellence and the pursuit of shared victories. By qualifying and judging this prestigious event, we are taking significant steps towards realizing our dream of establishing a top-tier facility under the auspices of NADD. Angela was an amazing teacher and her team was top notch in helping us learn. We moved all up and down the side of that pool getting experience on judging, Learned the admin side of running an event, and just 100 more things that only Angela's experienced South Central Mobile Dock could provide for the Mill Pond Kennels Crew! Nikki qualified for judging at this event, but still needs to test to Louisiana's first judge.. she can't wait to run an event for you at home!!
Call to Action
As we embark on this exciting endeavor, we invite you to join us in celebrating the spirit of dock diving and the remarkable bond shared between dogs and their human companions. Let's dive into the world of NADD together! We will soon announce a date for our first event. Plenty of work still needs to be done! If your interested in helping, please reach out so we know. Email at train@millpondkennels.com or call us at 337-230-1273. Floors need painting and docks need building!! Mark has been really busy getting everything in and ordered. So much details!! But we can't wait to see it all come together for you. The 50ft Pool has been DELIVERED!!! Watch FB for a call out to anyone that wants to come and help set up.
We noticed a growing interest in canine sports, particularly dock diving, among our audience. The enthusiasm and engagement witnessed underscore the profound impact that events like the NADD Dock Diving Event will have on our community.
In conclusion, Mill Pond Kennels' forthcoming participation in the NADD Dock Diving Events signifies a pivotal moment in our journey towards excellence in the world of canine sports. With a deep-rooted passion for fostering strong bonds between dogs and their owners, we look forward to an exciting future filled with shared victories and cherished memories. Stay tuned for more updates on our dock diving adventures!